People Profile is a PDF report that lists the business entities a person is or was involved in.

The key information provided in the People Profile includes businesses registered to the individual, present appointments, and shareholding (in amount) on businesses the person is involved in.

Product sample:

People Profile [view sample] (PDF, 155KB)]

How to buy:

A People Profile costs $33.00.

Important: It is advisable to search for a person using their NRIC / FIN / Passport number for the most accurate result. A search under the person’s name is less desirable as it may generate multiple results if there is more than one person with the same name in our records.

To purchase the product:

  • Login at BizFile+ 
  • Go to Buy Information 

Upon successful payment, an email on the guide for product download will be sent to you within 15 minutes.

Alternatively, if the purchase is done via Singpass, you can login at ACRA BizFileportal, click on Messages to access the above same email message. 

Download for purchased product will expire 7 days from date of purchase, no further extension can be made.

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