A Unique Entity Number (UEN) is a vital identification number for all business entities when transacting with government agencies. It is generated following successful registration, incorporation, or conversion to a different business entity type.

While a system-generated UEN is provided for free, you have the option to apply for a Special UEN from a list of reserved UENs for a fee.

A Special UEN allows for easy identification and recall when transacting with government agencies. You can select a Special UEN at the end of the incorporation/registration process.


How to Apply for SUN

Entity owners can apply for SUN at (a) the point of incorporating/registering an entity and (b) conversion to another entity type. The option to select a SUN is available at the payment stage for applicable transactions in Bizfile (see examples below).

Example: Applying for SUN during incorporation/registration of an entity


Types of SUN

Entity owners who would like to apply for the SUN service can choose their preferred UENs through two tiers as follows:

Tier 1

  • Fee: S$3,000 per SUN
  • SUN is defined as number with consecutive same number, or any number combination involving the number ‘8’

Tier 2

  • Fee: S$1,000 per SUN
  • SUN is defined as number with repetitive pattern (excluding the number ‘8’), or ending with triple identical number (such as ‘222’, ‘666’, ‘777’)

Examples of SUN under each tier:

Pic 3                     
Note: The underlined parts are prefix and suffix of UEN which are system-generated and cannot be changed.

Applicable Bizfile Transactions for SUN Service

Incorporation of Entity
Incorporation of EntityConversion of Entity Type (coming soon)
Incorporation of Local Company
  • Application to Register Person(s) and Business Name
  • Application to Register a New Limited Partnership (LP)
  • Application to Register a New Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)
  • Application for Approval of Public Accounting Firm (PAF)

(Coming soon)

  • Conversion from Public Accounting Corporation to Accounting LLP
  • Conversion from Public Accounting Firm to Accounting LLP
  • Conversion of Business to LLP
  • Conversion of Company to LLP


Find out more information about SUN here.

Click  here to access the list of FAQs on SUN.

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