Q: What is a UEN?
A: A UEN or Unique Entity Number is an identification number that is generated for a business entity, following successful incorporation/registration with ACRA. All business entities need to use the UEN when transacting with government agencies. This UEN is issued free of charge to business entities.

Q: What is a Special UEN (SUN)?
A: Special UEN provides entity owners an option to choose a preferred UEN from a list of reserved UENs, at a fee during entity incorporation/registration and entity conversion process.

There are 2 categories available - Tier 1 number at $3,000 and Tier 2 number at $1,000.

With SUN service, it enables entity owners to more easily identify with and remember their own UEN when transacting with government agencies.

Q: What will the UEN be if I do not purchase Special UEN?
A: If you do not opt for Special UEN, a free system-generated UEN will be issued to the business entity upon successful incorporation/registration or conversion.

Q: Can I customise my own Special UEN?
A: Customisation of Special UEN is not available. The UEN prefix and suffix are system-generated and non-customisable.

Q: Can I cancel the Special UEN purchase and get a refund?
A; No, Special UEN purchase is strictly non-refundable.

Q: Can I exchange a purchased Special UEN for another UEN?
A; No, Special UEN is strictly non-exchangeable.

Q: Can I purchase Special UEN for an existing entity?
A: No, Special UEN is only available for purchase during entity incorporation/registration and entity conversion process.

Q: Can I reserve a Special UEN before I incorporate/register or convert an entity?
A: No, Special UEN reservation before entity incorporation/registration/conversion is not allowed. Purchase of SUN can only be done when you are at the payment stage during entity incorporation/registration and entity conversion.

Q: Can I purchase multiple Special UENs (SUNs) for multiple incorporation/registration/conversion transactions?
A: Yes, you can select the option to proceed with Special UEN selection at the payment stage.

Q: How do I know if my Special UEN has been successfully purchased?
A: You will have 30 minutes to complete Special UEN selection and payment (i.e. together with payment for incorporation/registration/conversion, and name application (if applicable).

If payment is not completed within the reservation period (i.e. 30 minutes), your selected SUN will be withdrawn and made available to other applicants. SUN is successfully purchased only upon successful payment. The transaction will be displayed in the receipt.

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